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Oluwafunmilayo Taiwo
Jun 20, 20223 min read
Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Gender Equality in Nigeria
Tigger Warning: Sexual Assault Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is a critical global intervention. Not only does it have the power...

Chiaratou Olayindé Moutairou
Jun 15, 20224 min read
Partnering For African Sovereignty On Medical Products Access
Overview of the pharmaceutical sub-sector in Benin The fight against the manufacture and trafficking of counterfeit medicines has long...

Marion Osieyo
Oct 18, 20187 min read
A Youth Perspective on #UNGA71 #SDGs
This week I had the opportunity to engage with and interview a young and upcoming youth leader Kaviri Ali Harrison around his commitment...

Offor Hope Jeremiah
Sep 2, 20183 min read
The European Union Gives Young Africans a Voice
Since coming back from the EU fully funded trip to Brussels, where I spoke on a high-level panel on Women and girls health, I have come...

Phonsina Archane
Jul 17, 20183 min read
EDD18: Experience et réflexion
En tant que jeune actif passionné et inspiré par le changement positif, la participation à des espaces où conférences dédiés au...

Phonsina Archane
Jun 15, 20182 min read
International Day of the African Child leaving behind the African Child?
June 16 is internationally known as the day of the African Child. Africa’s population is projected to double by 2050 to 2.4 billion...

Taffan Ako
Jun 6, 20182 min read
Every Woman is Worthy of Her Rights
I was born in Iraqi Kurdistan in a time of internal conflict and war and I moved to Sweden as a political refugee in 1997. I had the most...

Shwetal Shah
May 30, 20182 min read
Let’s Get Digital
In your life, if you're lucky enough, you are born during a moment in time when the world is ready for the change you're bringing. So,...

Shah Rafayat Chowdhury
May 29, 20184 min read
Footsteps: Our Journey
“The Journey of a Thousand Miles must begin with a single step” - Lao Tzu I came across this quote at the United Nations ESCAP building...

Phonsina Archane
May 28, 20182 min read
Approximately 16 million adolescent girls aged 15-19 give birth annually, making up 10% of births worldwide.In developing countries...

Olaoluwa Abagun
May 26, 20182 min read
Unapologetic About Championing Our Rights
I can connect the dots of my advocacy career backwards to 13 years ago, when I was selected to join the Nigerian Children’s Parliament....

Offor Hope Jeremiah
May 26, 20182 min read
Contraceptive Access - My Nigerian Experience
As a young boy growing up in Benin City, Nigeria. I had a best friend who was also my classmate and sat next to me at secondary school....

Offor Hope Jeremiah
May 26, 20182 min read
Contraceptive Access - My Nigerian Experience
As a young boy growing up in Benin City, Nigeria. I had a best friend who was also my classmate and sat next to me at secondary school....

Natalie Tingo
May 24, 20182 min read
An End To FGM
I have been an activist working towards ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) going on six years now as my community, Kuria, has one of...

Lais Rocha Leao
May 24, 20182 min read
Voice for the Favelas
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 11 million people in Brazil live in favelas. These favelas are urban ...

Ernesto Hernandez Otero
May 20, 20183 min read
Equal rights for all
It is fundamental to accept that we are all different and that even though we may be different, each of us has the same potential to...

Dorcas Apoore
May 19, 20183 min read
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Sustainable Skills Development and Financial Diversification
Upper East is one of the regions in Ghana that is engulfed with poverty, especially among women. The population of the region is over one...

Dorcas Apoore
May 18, 20183 min read
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Sustainable Skills Development and Financial Diversification
Upper East is one of the regions in Ghana that is engulfed with poverty, especially among women. The population of the region is over one...

Salma Abdalla
May 18, 20182 min read
Women and Energy: A promising Future
Over the past decade, I have seen women on every international development agenda. With all the uprightness opportunities and the...

Courtney Gehle
May 8, 20182 min read
The Power of Womxn Leaders
Inspired by the theme of #EDD18 and the #SheIsWe campaign, we asked our community who their woman inspiration was, to give credit to...
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